Mr. Ariful Hasan-Opu, is an entrepreneur and a visionary who is widely recognized for his perseverance in the path of dreaming of a revolutionized Bangladesh. He is the CEO of e-Soft which is one of the leading Web-Based Solution firm in Bangladesh. He also Advisor, NASA Space Apps Challenge Bangladesh & Universal Judge, NASA International Space Apps Challenge. His company e-Soft has been focusing on both Local and International Web and E-commerce Development and have gained massive recognition for their work. Other than working for development of his projects he has also been the Former Director of Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS)
Mr. Ariful Hasan-Opu, is an eentrepreneur and a visionary who is widely recognized for his perseverance in the path of dreaming of a revolutionized Bangladesh. He is the CEO of e-Soft which is one of the leading Web-Based Solution firm in Bangladesh and also the Founder of doctorsbd.com, the first Health and Medical based web portal in Bangladesh. His company has been focusing on both Local and International Web and E-commerce Development and have gained massive recognition for their work. Other than working for development of his projects he has also been the Former Director of Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS)
Mr. Hasan has gained substantial networking through the organizing of national and international events. He has organized well over 1200 events in affiliation with reputed minds and organizations that needs no introduction.Some of the noteworthy events include: BASIS Soft Expo, Digital World Innovation Camp, Space Innovation Summit, Women Empowerment Summit, and NASA Space Apps Challenge, an event which was directly supervised by NASA. Throughout his life he has gained tremendous respect and had also been honored with numerous awards. He achieved 7 Championship Awards for National Science Fair organized by the Ministry of Science Information and Communication Technology and have also achieved 32 awards for attending various Science and IT Fair.
Mr. Hasan has tremendous experience when it comes to attending seminars, conferences, and workshops. He had been provided the opportunity to speak in more than 250 national seminars, conferences, and workshops along with having the honor of travelling to countries like Netherland, Turkey, India, Sweden, USA, Denmark, Japan, Korea, and Singapore to speak in over 24 Seminars and Conferences and in many have led IT Industry teams to negotiate on behalf of IT business houses with different departments of government and development partners. Being a man with many attributes, it only seems logical that the person had taken part in events as an honorable judge. Mr. Hasan has been a judge to over 82 recognized national and international events, till date. The events organized worth putting special mentions are Bangladesh Gaming Expo, National Hackathon, Startup World Cup, Power & Energy Hackathon, Ideathon, BASIS Programming Contest, National Digital Innovation Award, World Summit Award, Student Startup, Basis National ICT Award, and a2i (Prime Minister Office) etc. Mr. Hasan has an exceptional interest when it comes to space travel. He has been very lucky to be one of the first Bangladeshi to experience Astronaut Training from the US Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville Alabama, USA.In order to share the wonderful experience, he have lead NASA Space Apps Challenge and have been victorious in year 2018.
He also organized events like Space Camp, Aviation Challenge and Astronaut Training in association with Space Innovation Camp for kids under 12 in hope they one day will also be able to experience the thrill he had experienced. With the dream to revolutionize the science and technology industry of Bangladesh, he set out to create yet another organization named Bangladesh Innovation Forum where 70,000 members from 64 districts are actively involved to ensure the dreams are turned into reality. The organization arranges workshops, training, seminar, summit, conference etc. for University and colleges students to help them get more actively involved and help increase their skills in the field of Robotics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Space Science etc. Mr. Hasan believes working with these students will help ignite passion in them and accelerate their journey to reach the ultimate goal of building a technology-based culture. To help the vision
Mr. Hasan has been actively involved with government officials, working on projects to create job opportunities in the sector of science and technology to ensure the minds of the future get properly utilized in building of a revolutionized Bangladesh, becoming future scientists, astronauts, engineers and many more.
E-mail: info@ahopu.com
Ariful Hasan Opu visited NASA HQ, Washington DC, USA, and shared knowledge about Space Technology, Space Education, Space Science, Satellite Technology, How to become an astronaut from Bangladesh, and Collaboration with NASA & Bangladesh Innovation Forum & Space Innovation Camp. Details meeting was conducted with NASA Chief Scientist Dr. Ellen Stofan, Chief innovation officer Back Beth.
On 5th July 2019 at Huntsville, Alabama, USA.
Successful Meeting Was Held at U.S Space and Rocket Center On 5th July 2019 at Huntsville, Alabama, USA. "Tom White" Director of Sales & Outreach- Domestic and International, Tiffany Edwards International Group Coordinator of Space Camp, Mohammad Zaman Chairman of Bangladesh Innovation Forum and Ariful Hasan Opu Founder of Bangladesh Innovation Forum Were Presented. Discussions Were About a Potential Option to Step a Camp in Bangladesh and Participation at Space Camp USA of a Group From Bangladesh. Space Camp has Inspired and Nurtured the Dreams of Trainees, Leading Many to Pursue Careers in STEM Fields. 96% of Space Camp Graduates Say Their Camp Experience Increased Their Interest in STEM Topics, While 61% of Graduates are Currently in or Studying Careers in Aerospace, Defense, Energy, Education, Biotech or Technology. Ten of our Space Camp Graduates Have Been Selected as Astronauts. In Near Future Bangladesh Innovation Forum and Space Camp, USA Will Collaborately Work for Space Education Development in Bangladesh.
Ariful Hasan Opu got training from Space Camp, USA. Space Camp is a NASA and US Space and Rocket Center Supported Center for Astronaut Training. He is The First Bangladeshi Who got training from Space Camp Huntsville, Alabama USA.
Receiving crest as a CEO of e-Soft from Former FBCCI president Mr Anisul Huq for Best IT partner on November 22, 2008
Organized First CANSAT workshop in Bangladesh as Convener of Space Innovation Summit-2018, , jointly organized by Brac onnesha team and Bangladesh Innovation forum.
First water rocket making and lauching workshop in bangladesh for kids 4-12 years at Space Innovation Camp
Ariful Hasan Opu is working for Space Technology and Space Education in Bangladesh since 2013.
Ariful Hasan Opu arrange Space Innovation Camp for University and College level students and space Innovation Camp for 4-12 years Kids in Bangladesh where they worked for making Rocket, Small Satellite Mars Robot etc.
On the second day of Digital World 2016, on October 20, "Bangladesh Innovation Forum" organized the 'Innovation Camp'. This 'Innovation Camp' was organized to find out the innovative ideas of young students and to guide them in the implementation. Concept Development of Innovative thoughts, the process of making prototype, how Innovative ideas can be used to solve daily problems and learn different strategies, including business models and plans for Innovative Thoughts.
Entering into the career place and to move forward with success, it is very important to know, making professional CVs, have confidence in the Viva Board, to know about professional ethics and manner etc. In order to provide training on these subjects, a training called 'Career Clinic' was organized on October 10, 2016 by the joint initiative of 'Bangladesh Innovation Forum' and 'BD Jobs.com'.
"Bangladesh Innovation Forum" organized a workshop in Dhaka at United International University to give detailed ideas to students through the practical examples of Big Data Analysis, Internet of Things (IOT) and how it will impact our livelihood and career of future information technology professionals.
The biggest event organized by Bangladesh Innovation Forum is the "Business Innovation Summit". On August 5, 2017, the "Business Innovation Summit" was held for the first time in the Institute of Agricultural Institution of Dhaka, where about 1000 visitors attended.
On the 10th of March, 2018, the 'Business Innovation Summit-2018' was held in Bangabandhu International Conference Hall (Hall of Fame) for the second time, where about 5000 people visited. The 'Business Innovation Summit 2018' was divided into 3 sessions. These included 'IT Professionals Meet Up', 'Business Conference' and 'Business Planning Challenge' Competition.
Sarah is an Earth science program and policy analyst with Booz Allen Hamilton and the NASA Earth Science Division at NASA Headquarters. She also technical leads of NASA Space Apps Challenge
Picture: July 2019 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
— at NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center.
With CUET hon'ble VC prof. Mohammad Rafiqul Alam Sir at Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology.
NASA Space Apps Challenge 2017 Closing & Award Ceremony
Bangladesh- Korea Business Summit 2016, Soul, Korea
Deliver my speech about Business Innovation & Re invent at Women & e-Commerce Forum- WE Presents Women e-Commerce Entrepreneurship Summit 2021
বেস্ট ওয়েব সল্যুশন কোম্পানি হিসাবে ২০১১ সালে ডিজিটাল আইসিটি মেলায় ই-সফট কে পুরস্কৃত করছেন প্রফেসর জামিলুর রেজা চৌধুরী।
প্রায় ৩২ কোটি কিলোমিটার পাড়ি দিয়ে অবশেষে মঙ্গলপৃষ্ঠে অবতরণ করেছে চীনের সিক্স হুইল মঙ্গলযান জুরং।
Read moreসবকিছু ঠিক থাকলে আগামী ৮ এপ্রিল মার্স হেলিকপ্টার 'ইনজেনুইটি' কে প্রথম ফ্লাই করার চেস্টা করা হবে, কন্ট্রোলড এয়ারক্রাফট টি রোবার পারসিভারেন্স এর পিঠে চড়েই গেছে রেড প্লানেট এ, এবং অপেক্ষায় আছে ভিন্ন গ্রহে উড়ার।
Read moreস্পেস এক্স এর ক্রু ড্রাগন -২ এর নতুন লঞ্চিং ডেট আগামী ৩০ মে রাত ৩.২২ ( বাংলাদেশ সময় ৩০ মে সন্ধ্যা ৭.২২) মিনিটে ধরা হয়েছে
Read more২০২৪ সালে আবার চাঁদে যাচ্ছে নাসার একদল নভোচারী, তথ্য গবেষণার জন্য ওয়াটার হান্টিং মোবাইল রোবট "ভাইপার" এর কাজ ইতিমধ্যে শুরু হয়েছে। বিস্তারিত দেখুনঃ https://go.nasa.gov/2MI78Ql #NASA
Read more২০২৪ সালে চাঁদে যাওয়ার মিশন এনাউন্স করেছে নাসা, মিশনের প্রথমবারের মতো থাকছেন একজন নারী নভোচারী।
Read moreবিশ্বব্যাপী ৪ বিলিয়নেরও বেশি লোক রয়েছে যাদের মেডিকেল ইমেজিংয়ের অ্যাক্সেস নেই —যারা হ্যান্ডহেল্ড আল্ট্রাসাউন্ড ডিভাইস "বাটারফ্লাই আইকিউ"থেকে উপকৃত হতে পারে।
Read moreজন, রিক ও ড. হেরিস । একজন প্রাক্তন অগ্নিনির্বাপক কর্মী একজন আইটি কন্সাল্টেন্ট ও একজন ডাক্তার। তিনজন এর এক্টাই মিল ভলান্টিয়ার গুহা ডুবুরী ।
Read moreরিচার্ড ব্র্যানসনের মহাকাশ এ যাওয়া এবং নিরাপদে ফিরে আসার মাধ্যমে স্পেস ট্যুরিজম এ যুগান্তকারী সুচনা করেছে ভার্জিন গ্যালাকটিক ।
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